On This Page You'll Find Podcasts, Sermons And Videos
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This sermon is about Creation vs. Evolution
The video below is called "Heaven: How To Make Sure You Will Get There."
It's for anyone who might have any doubt about whether they are going to Heaven.
By God's Grace the morning this sermon was preached about 75-100 people stood up and made a public commitment to Christ in a Presbyterian Church. That may be a common thing in certain Baptist or Pentecostal congregations, but when that happens in a Presbyterian Church, God was present and working for sure!
Praise The Lord!
You probably have someone in your life who should see this video.
It is a very clear presentation of The Gospel.
It's perfect to share with a friend who has yet to put their trust in Christ!
If you like, just copy and send them the URL below on YouTube and invite them to watch it without them having to come to this website.
YouTube URL: https://youtu.be/smm9Hf21lmY
Below are 5 podcasts on 5 different world religions and how they differ from Christianity.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints or The Mormon Church
Jehovah's Witnesses
The Church of Christ, Scientist
The Church of Scientology
Islam: How It Differs From Christianity
Below you will see the video interview I did with my friend Robert Maxwell. At the time of the video he was the oldest living recipient of The Medal of Honor in the country. Bob threw himself on a live German hand grenade to save 3 of his fellow soldiers near Beceson, France.
This video was made to encourage Christians, and to give them lots of illustrations and tools to use when sharing The Gospel with others. It is also a video you can ask your friends to watch and then get back to you with their comments, because in addition to Bob's story and faith, embedded in this video is a complete presentation of The Gospel.
What Every Christian Should Learn About Halloween
If you are a Christian and have never looked into why Christians should have nothing to do with Halloween, this podcast is for you.